Training the Singing Voice - online book

An exploration of the theories, methods & techniques of Voice training.

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Phrase, defined, 78; last note of, 93; struc­ture of, 235
Phrasing, 72, 224, 236, 237; controlled by breathing, 78, 89; principle of, 78; re­lated to music, 79
Physical benefits, 60
Physical culture, benefits of, 95; method, 46,81
Physiological approach, 26, 34, 105
Piano accompaniment, use of, 57
Pitch, 44, 66, ioi, 132, 202, S17; attack, 121, 144; defined, 147; deviations, 121, 218; high and low, 105, 155; inflections, 132, 147, 164; range, 106, 152, 164; related to intensity, 167; values in song and speech,
Pitch control, mental, 50, 58, 113, 114,156, 164; methods of 105, 106, 107, 113, 125, 142
Placement, vocal, 60, 154
Placing, 141
Placing the tone defined, 183
Placing the voice* defined, 20, 133
Poise, 81, 37, 127, 235
Porpora, 202
Portamento, 121, 219, 232
Postural mining, 81, 82,95
Posture, 21, 8i, 121, 126,127
Practice, 62,141; defined, 55,171; hints for, 54* 57* S8* 59* 67, 82, 173; principles of, 55-56, 66-67; problems simplified, 59; re­petitive, 32,58,171; soft verses loud, 171, 172, 175; supervision of, §6, 57, 67
Printed page, power of, 4
Problems, total number of, 252
Program planning, 228
Profiessioaa! instability, 7
Professional singers, 103; opinions of, 23; statements by, 13
Projection factors, 102,123,168, 187
Pxommdatioii, 45, 190, 192, 195, 207
Psychological approach, 25, 29, 31, 57, 60, %; defined, 62; in breath control, 75, 96; in dictioa, 196; in dynamics, 1®; in ear training, 180, 188; in interpretation, 220; in phonatiou, 111; in range, 154; in re­sonance, 139; in vocal pedagogy, 29,62
Puberty, vocal range, 149
Published data, reliability of, 11
Pupils, their commercial attitude. 24
Quality, vocal, too, itg, 132-135, 139, 194; aesthetic elects, 146* 217; defined, 140, 141, 233; detenninaxits, 132, 137, 145, 146; versus volume, 173
Radio music, use of, 185,188
Range, 140,147, 162, 187, 236; classification of 149, 162; defined, 11, 147; extension of, 156, 157, 160, 164,* main divisions, 147, l5®> *58> 164; methods of cultivating, 154, 164; pitch adjustment, 105; prob­lems, 261; psychological approach, 154, 164; speaking, 65, 157, 158, 178; techni­cal approach, 156, 159; total combined,
Recitative, accompanied or unaccompan­ied, 226, 227
Recordings, use of, 133, 184, 188
Reflexes, vocal, 33, 63, 75, 96, 113, 140, 168, 181, 223, 242
Repertoire, basis of building, 231
Registers, 150, 151, 154, 157, 158, 161, 163; causes and action of, 151-153, 162-164; control of, 154, 155; coordination of, 151-152,154-158,161-164, 205; fallacy of, 155; theory of, 150, 153
Relaxation, 23, 58, 65, 199; a factor in voice training, 35; a relative condition, 36, 37; defined, 35, 36, 63; importance of, 37; mental approach, 38; methods, 38.
Repertoire, 229, 240
Research, aims, purposes and incentives, 1, 2, 8, 12; area defined, 9-11; classifica­tions used, 13, 244; plan of, 244; proce­dures used, ii, 13; interpretational as­pects, 14; problems for, 245, 252
Residual air, 88
Resonance, acoustical factors, 129, 131, 132, 134, 137; defined, io, 129; experimental findings, 131; in vowel sounds, 137; meth­odological considerations, 133, 140, 145; nasal, 136, 137, 142, 144, 146; physiologi­cal factors, 37, ioo» 101, 134, 135, 139,145, 146, 151, 153; problems, 258; psycholo­gical approach, 139, 140, 143; technical approach, 129, 133, 134, 140, 141, 195; terminology of, 146; theories of, 129,134, 144,145,152,169; quality as a guide, 132, 139,140, 141; uniformity of, 28
Resonators, vocal, 139, 195
Respiratory reflexes, 94
Response, automatic, 63
Rhythm, defined, 209
Ribs, 82, 95; action of, 69, 73
RUtai, trumpet call, 175
Sbriglia, 137 Scale, defined, 159
Scale practice, 157, 161, 164; importance of, 54-55,159; methods, 160, 24s